Psychological characteristics and mental health problems in mexican students: A structural analysis




Personality; anger; self-efficacy; self-denial; perceived control; mental health


The objective of this study was to propose a structural model that delineates the relationship between different psychological characteristics in relation to mental health problems through a structural equation model. In a non-random, intentional sample of N = 231 students, the specified model demonstrates that anger-trait, self-denial and internal locus of control variables have effects on mental health problems through mediators such as anger-in, lack of assertiveness, and self-efficacy, and that they keep the expected theoretical relationships (X2 = 50.24, gl = 35 and p = 0.04; razón X2/gl = 1.44, CFI = .98, NFI = .93, IFI = .98, RMSEA = .04) These findings are discussed in terms of their contribution to understanding the mechanisms of the complex relationship among psychological characteristics, personality and health.


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How to Cite

Psychological characteristics and mental health problems in mexican students: A structural analysis. (2016). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 22(2), 239-248.

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