Intellectual skills in adolescent population: before and after confinement by COVID-19




intelligence, cognitive skills, pandemic, student


Confinement as preventive strategy during pandemia by COVID-19 helped contain the propagation of the virus, however, the health measure had an impact on various areas of adolescent. The present work was aimed at comparing the intellectual ability of a pre-pandemics sample with a post-pandemics sample of adolescents. The study was comparative and field. The pre-pandemics sample formed by 610 students, 43.8% were the first high school, 33.4% the second and 22.7% the third; the average ages was 12.80 years (De = .947), 54.9% of the sample was identified as a man and 45.1% women. The post-pandemics sample formed made up of 533 students, of which 44.1% studied the first high school, 29.1% the second and 26.8% the third. The average ages was 12.52 years (De = .823), 55% of the sample was identified as a man and 45% women. Data collection was performed using Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices. The dice with the SPSS 25 program were analyzed. A significant interaction was found between the time of evaluation and school grade. It is concluded that confinement had a different impact according to age.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriela Ordaz Villegas, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    Doctora y docente de tiempo completo en la licenciatura en Psicología. FES Zaragoza-UNAM- México. Sus intereses en investigación son la psicología educativa, aptitudes sobresalientes, educación financiera, educación especial, motivación escolar, neuropsicología y funciones ejecutivas.

  • Thamir Danir Danulkán Durán Fonseca, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    Doctor y docente del programa de maestría y doctorado en Psicología. FES Zaragoza-UNAM- México. Sus intereses en investigación son la psicología educativa, aptitudes sobresalientes, educación financiera, educación especial, motivación escolar, neuropsicología y funciones ejecutivas.

  • Judith Salvador Cruz, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México

    Doctora y responsable académica de la residencia en neuropsicología clínica. FES Zaragoza-UNAM- México. Sus intereses en investigación son la psicología educativa, aptitudes sobresalientes, educación financiera, educación especial, motivación escolar, neuropsicología y funciones ejecutivas.


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How to Cite

Intellectual skills in adolescent population: before and after confinement by COVID-19. (2025). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 31(1), e934.

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