Enhancing Sustainability Awareness Among Business Students: Insights from University Professors
sustainability, teaching methods, professors perceptions, education for sustainable development (ESD), sustainability actitudesAbstract
Background: Higher education, especially in business, stands out as a crucial means to promote professional action focused on sustainability, emphasizing the need for innovative pedagogical approaches and teaching strategies. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the perceptions of business university professors concerning the most effective teaching and learning methodologies for fostering sustainability awareness
among their students. Method: This exploratory qualitative study, employs convenience sampling to select and interview 19 outstanding professors from a private accredited university in Lima, Peru. Results: The professors emphasize the importance of a cross-cutting and ongoing integration of sustainability-related content into the curriculum. Additionally, they place value on the utilization of experiential learning methodologies and the cultivation of dialogue and reflexivity regarding the future roles of their students as organizational leaders who champion more conscientious and sustainable modes of production. Conclusions: sustainability education in business careers makes sense to the extent that the behavior adopted by future business leaders will depend on the success in the implementation of more conscious and sustainable modes of production. However, for this training to be effective, adaptations are needed in the design of curricula and in the traditional way of conducting the teachinglearning processes in the classroom, migrating from teachercentered approaches to student-centered methodological approaches.
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