Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies, Fear, and Anger in Children from Guanajuato After the Confinement Due to the Pandemic COVID-19
cognitive emotional regulation, children, fear, angerResumo
Background: The cognitive emotional regulation has a high impact on infants’ adaptation to their environment, this is why is essential their study. The maladaptive emotional regulation strategies can avoid achieve positive goals; whereas that adaptative emotional regulation has positive impact on the demands of the environment, including situations where the kids experience fear or intense anger. Objective: This work has as objective identify the possible relation between fear, anger and cognitive emotional regulation strategies considered maladaptive in 6 to 12 years old children after the pandemic COVID-19. Methods: The sample had 300 infants; age from 6 to 12, from Guanajuato state (Mexico). Results: It was found a high correlation positive between Positive reappraisal and Anger control (r = .47**), Rumination and Fear of the Violence (r = .43**), Rumination and Fear of the dead (r = .41**), Refocus on planning and Anger control (r = .38**), Self-blame and Temperament (r = .35**), Self-blame and Anger-out (r = .34**); and correlation high negative between Positive reappraisal and Anger-out (r = -.41**). Conclusion: It is necessary to do some intervention where the children learn how to use the most variety of cognitive emotional regulation strategies since they are using maladaptive strategies against the fear, like rumination in first place and followed by self-blame and blame to the others as the less one; adaptative strategies as refocused on plans and positive re-evaluation are bit used.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Verónica Reyes Pérez. Raúl José Alcázar Olán, Carolina Villada Rodríguez

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