Influence of Affect and Emotional Content of Information on Learning
affect, learning, emotional congruence, emotion, memory, university studentsAbstract
Background: Information processing is influenced by learners’ affect and the emotional content of the study material. The congruence or otherwise of these factors can determine the effectiveness of learning. Objective: To analyze the influence of affect and emotional content of the information on learning. Method: A total of 126 university students completed a questionnaire to measure their affective state (I-Spanas SF) and performed a verbal learning task of free coding (positive, neutral and negative words) and retrieval with competing cues. Results: Students encoded more positive words than negative and neutral words; however, in the retrieval phase the percentage of negative words recalled was higher than that of positive and neutral words. In addition, the congruent memory effect was not observed in the retrieval phase, but an emotional congruence effect was obtained in the coding phase in the selection of positive words. Conclusion: Students’ positive affect promotes the encoding of positive information; however, they retrieve negative information better. These data point to complex interactions between student affect and the emotional content of study material that may have important implications for learning processes.
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