Maintenance, Dependency, and Violence in Couples in Southeastern Mexico
maintenance, relationship, violence, dependencyAbstract
Background: The relationship offers the possibility of obtaining security, affection, attachment and development; however, it can sometimes become a source of dissatisfaction and discomfort that affects well-being (Urbano et al., 2021). The couple is a space where violence is often exercised or received, but it is also a space to reproduce relationship maintenance behaviors that tend to be positive for the relationship. Objective: Relate violence, relationship maintenance and dependency in university students. Method: The Sample was made up of 420 people, 122 men and 298 women between 20 and 38 years old, all university students. Results: The results indicate that violence is positively associated to dependency; also, the greater the violence received, the greater the violence exerted. Conclusion: Violence is related to the decrease in behaviors to maintain the relationship in the interaction and characteristics factors, and these three variables are related.
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