About the Journal
Editorial Policy
I. Journal Information
- Subscribed databases: SCI((Scielo Citation Index of Web Of Science), ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), HINARI (Access to Research in Health Programme), EBSCO: Electronic Journals Service, ProQuest (Databases, EBooks and Technology for Research), PSICODOC (Base de Datos Bibliográfica de Psicología, dirigida por el Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid – España) y CENGAGE Learning (Base de datos de Cengage Learning/Psychology Collection).
- Open access databases: SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), REDALYC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal), REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), DIALNET (Portal de difusión de la producción científica), PePSIC (O portal de Periódicos Electrónicos de Psicología), LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LIPECS (Literatura Peruana en Ciencias de la Salud – Perú), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
- Journals evaluation platforms: MIAR (Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals) y LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal) y JOURNAL SCHOLAR METRICS (EC3 Research Group: Evaluación de la Ciencia y la Comunicación Científica).
- Libraries and portals: OEI - Índice de Revistas (Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos), SISBIB (Sistema de Biblioteca de la UNMSM), ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources - ISSN)
Vol. 30 nº 1 de 2024 =90%
Vol. 29 nº 2 de 2023 =87%
Vol. 29 nº 1 de 2023 =85%
Vol. 28 nº 2 de 2022 =90%
Vol. 28 nº 1 de 2022 =85%
Vol. 27 nº 2 de 2021 =88%
Vol. 27 nº 1 de 2021 =85%
Vol. 26 nº 2 de 2020 =82%
Vol. 26 nº 1 de 2020 =80%
Vol. 25 nº 1 y 2 de 2019 = 80%
Vol. 24 nº 1 y 2 de 2018= 90%
III. Ethical Responsibilities
1. Policy on plagiarism detection
Liberabit: Revista Peruana de Psicología safeguards compliance with national and international ethical standards in the publication process. Therefore, it follows international standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and uses Turnitin software to ensure transparency in information.
The procedures to be followed, in case plagiarism is detected, are based on the following information provided by the COPE and the American Psychological Association (APA):
• Guidelines on Good Publication Practice
• Ethical Principies of Psychologists and code of conduct
• British Psychology Society Code of Ethics
2. Policies on sanctions for misconduct
Misconducts include data falsification, data manipulation to obtain desired results, indiscriminate use of self-citations and unjustified authorship. In the event that any of these misconducts are found in a manuscript, the editorial committee will assess the case and issue a sanction according to the type of inappropriate conduct.
Minor faults
Minor faults correspond to misconduct that does not require a thorough investigation, and in which all parties involved have the right to reply, for example, unjustified inclusion of authors, abuse of self-citations, among others considered by the committee.
Serious faults
This type of fault requires a thorough investigation that involves superiors and employers of the objectively accused person for notification. If there is evidence, the journal may involve external experts (limited number of people according to the editorial committee’s decision) for final opinion and sanction (alteration of results, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, double submission of works, among others considered by the committee). The author has the right to appeal to this opinion.
The journal renders a decision on the type of sanction according to the severity of the fault:
a) In the case of minor faults, the journal will send a notification on the misconduct to the parties involved so that in the future they avoid this type of behavior.
b) In the case of serious faults, the journal may send a formal letter to the employment entity, financing entity, or the superior of the parties involved, and will refer the case in question to them. According to the severity of this fault, the journal may publish an editorial on unethical behaviors, including the names of the people involved (the particular case), or remove indefinitely the publications of the parties involved.
3. Conflicts of interests
The authors should indicate in detail in the manuscript if there is any conflict of interest to be considered for evaluation (conflicts of interest may be related to moral, economic, labor, and research issues). (Attach Card 01)
4. Ethical responsibility
Liberabit adheres to the Declaration of Helsinki on the protection of basic principles. Authors should attach a letter specifying that the study has been approved by an ethics committee, which should be explicitly stated in the manuscript. If they do not have this letter, they should explain why it has not been requested.
The authors should indicate in the Method section that all procedures for collecting data conducted with the participants (tests, interviews, recordings, videos, etc.) have been carried out after obtaining the pertinent informed consent. In the event that the participants are children or adolescents, the informed consent of parents and/or proxies and approval is required. (Card 02 )
It is the responsibility of the authors to provide interested readers with copies of the raw data, procedure manuals, scores, and, in general, relevant experimental material.
Ethical responsibilities in the editorial process:
• Editor(s): They should monitor the publishing processes according to international ethical standards, as well as ensure that manuscripts are reviewed according to the publication standards.
• Author(s): They submit results of transparent research processes with rigorous scientific and ethical standards, and take responsibility for the contents of the research to be published. During the editorial process, manuscripts should not be sent to another journal. Likewise, they should indicate the funding source and declare the conflicts of interest (if any).
• Reviewer(s): They use evaluation systems objectively, rigorously, and in a timely manner. Their observations should be relevant and well-grounded.
5.- Complaints and appeals
Liberabit makes available to all authors, reviewers and the general public that have the email liberabit@usmp.pe so that they can make their queries, comments, complaints and / or observations.
In turn, the editorial committee of the journal may make appeals that are related to the breach of any of the rules of publication, plagiarism, evaluation reports, conduct of the members of the editorial team, rules of the authors, among others where the authors, reviewers and the editorial team are immersed. For any type of appeal, a letter should be sent to the editor at mfernandeza1@usmp.pe indicating in detail what happened. The letter will be thoroughly reviewed by the editor and a response will be given as soon as possible via e-mail.
6.- Author contributions
Authors should indicate in the manuscript their substantial contributions (e.g., design of manuscript preparation, database, statistical analysis, final revision of the manuscript, etc.). To determine and identify the coherence in authorship and to avoid faults such as unjustified authorship (Card 02 ).
7.- Open data
The authors can release their database for the purposes of transparency and reproducibility of the data available in the OJS of the journal.
8.- Supervision
Only works that include the Card 01 (Ethics) and Card 02 (Authors’ personal data), should expressly indicate it in the manuscript (ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY section) to start the evaluation process will be considered.