Evaluation rules

Manuscripts are only received through the OJS (Open Journal System) being evaluated initially by the editorial committee as the first filter within formal processes. If the proposals do not meet the criteria required by the journal (editorial policy), the editorial process may not be conducted, and said proposals will be returned to the corresponding author. If requirements are met, the manuscript will be subject to the evaluation process.
The journal will send a first editorial response on the status of the manuscript submitted for publication within a period not less than 2  weeks. Once the correction of the first observations raised has been verified, the manuscript will then be subject to peer evaluation. 
Peer evaluation
Liberabit uses a double-blind peer review system (reviewer is unaware of the identity of the author, and the author is also unaware of the identity of reviewer) in which once the evaluation of the manuscript has been completed, the corresponding author will receive a notification of the peer's opinion, who literally indicate their observations, comments and/or suggestions.
Once changes made by the author are received, the manuscript will be again evaluated by the peers who will submit a final opinion. Then, the document is verified by a copy editor. Once the edition is concluded, the article (print proof) is sent to the author for verification and acceptance within an indicated time frame, who should specify if there are any changes. The author is responsible for the claims and modifications of the submitted article. Acceptance of the article does not imply its immediate publication; the journal reserves the right on the publication dates.  
Article withdrawal
For article withdrawal from the editorial process, corresponding authors should formally inform the reasons for the withdrawal of the manuscript and wait for the editor's response in order to continue with the sending of the proposal to another journal.