Family risk factors and harsh discipline practices that predict child’s aggressive behavior




structural equation modeling, aggressiveness, children, parenting, family violence


Objective: A model of family risk factors and harsh discipline practices that predict child’s aggressive behavior was empirically evaluated, identifying its adequacy in terms of data adjustment and conceptual congruence. Method: A sample of 409 mothers of children from public elementary schools was used. The selected family risk factors were: symptoms of maternal anxiety, marital violence and harsh discipline practices; the criterion variable was the child’s aggressive behavior. The model assumes that maternal anxiety and marital violence have effects on child’s aggressive behavior, which is mediated by harsh discipline practices. The research strategy was designed with a structural equation model. The results were satisfactory (CFI = .952, NNFI = .94 and RMSEA = .08) and the model predicted 34% of the variance of child’s aggressive behavior problems. Due to its direct effects, harsh discipline depends on maternal anxiety (β = .44) and marital violence (β = .10). Harsh discipline is a mediating variable between child’s aggressive behavior and maternal anxiety and marital violence (β = .59). Results: The results indicate that maternal anxiety and marital violence have significant effects on child’s aggressive behavior problems, which are mediated by disciplinary practices. Conclusion: The results must be confirmed with new studies conducted in different populations that allow generalizing the findings.


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Family risk factors and harsh discipline practices that predict child’s aggressive behavior. (2019). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 25(2), 195-212.

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