Vol. 31 No. 1 (2025): January - June

Liberabit, Revista Peruana de Psicología, is pleased to present to the national and international academic community the publication of the first issue of volume 30 corresponding to this year.
Liberabit, Revista Peruana de Psicología, is pleased to present to the national and international academic community the publication of the first issue of volume 30 corresponding to this year.
E-ISSN: 2223-7666
ISSN: 1729-4827
Format: Electronic / Open access
Frequency: Semiannual continuous publication
Peer review: Double-blind
Publication charges: No
Los artículos publicados de Liberabit se encuentran disponibles en acceso abierto bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .
Dirección: Av. Tomás Marsano Nº 242, Surquillo Lima - Perú Teléfono: (51-1) 513-6300 Anexo: 2175
Contacto: liberabit@usmp.pe
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24265/liberabit
ISSN: 1729-4827 (Impreso); 2223-7666 (Electrónico)
Institución editorial: