Personality Traits and Cognitive Strategies of Emotional Regulation in College Students
personality traits, cognitive strategies of emotional regulation, university students, personality, emotional regulationAbstract
Background: Personality is a fundamental psychological construct for explaining and predicting human behavior. Recent research has focused on the relationship between personality and emotional regulation, revealing that personality traits may influence the way individuals regulate their emotions. Objective: to assess the influence of personality traits from the Big Five Factor Model on cognitive strategies of emotional regulation in college students. Method: 283 students participated, aged 18 to 58 years, who were administered the Adjectives to Evaluate Personality (AEP) list and the Cognitive Strategies of Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). Results: Personality traits most strongly explained the use of maladaptive strategies of emotional regulation, and to a lesser extent, of adaptive strategies. Neuroticism was the main predictor for maladaptive strategies, followed by Agreeableness, while for adaptive strategies, Agreeableness was the strongest predictor, followed by Openness to experience. Conclusion: This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between personality traits and cognitive strategies of emotional regulation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Camila Arias, Ornella Bruna, Rosario Gelpi Trudo, Macarena del Valle, Eliana Zamora, Sebastián Urquijo

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