The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), launched in 2015 as an addition to Clarivate Analytics' (formerly known as Thomson Reuters) Web of Science platform, now comprises an extensive collection of more than 5,578 scientific journal titles. Initially, it was launched with the inclusion of nearly 3,000 journals, covering a wide variety of academic areas. |
The SciELO Citation Index (SciELO CI) was integrated into the Web of Science (WoS) platform in January 2014, improving the international visibility of the 750 SciELO journals. SciELO CI shares functions and resources with WoS, allowing citation tracking both within SciELO and in WoS and other databases. SciELO CI is expected to include between 700 and 750 journals, with approximately 350 already included, and will provide access to more than 4 million cited references, many of them in open access through SciELO. Data will be updated weekly, and journals will be included or excluded on a semi-annual basis. |
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) facilitates the electronic publication of complete scientific journals through a platform that offers multiple access options. This includes the ability to browse titles and subjects, access author and subject indexes, and use a search engine. |
Redalyc is an indexing system that, after 16 years of promoting the visibility and strengthening of high quality scientific journals in the region, now focuses exclusively on those that follow the non-profit publishing model. This is done to preserve the scholarly and open access nature of scientific communication, regardless of the region of origin. |
EBSCO is a leading provider of research databases, electronic journal subscription management, electronic content packages, book collection development and acquisition services, as well as a leading provider of library technology, e-books and clinical decision support solutions. |
ProQuest is a collection of databases that provides access to a wide variety of resources, including journal articles, data, reports, videos, e-books, theses and more. It is a multidisciplinary tool that allows searching in several areas simultaneously, but also allows a more targeted search by selecting databases by a specific subject. |
PSICODOC is a bibliographic database specialized in Psychology and related disciplines, which offers links to full texts. It contains works published in journals, congresses and books on topics related to Psychology, published in Spain and Latin America from 1975 to the present. |
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and facilitates access to high-quality, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journals. |
REDIB is a platform for the aggregation of scientific and academic content in electronic format, focused on the Ibero-American area. It provides users with direct access to high quality documents published by publishers and other producers of scientific and academic content, covering various Ibero-American countries, topics and languages. |
Dialnet is a leading bibliographic portal with a main focus on scientific literature in Spanish, especially in the areas of Human, Legal and Social Sciences. It offers documentary resources and services, such as a database, bibliographic alert service, virtual newspaper library and repository, making it an essential tool for accessing quality information and promoting the visibility of research in Spanish. |
PePSIC is dedicated to the publication of scientific journals in psychology in Latin America. Its mission is to play a fundamental role in strengthening the processes of scientific communication in this discipline in the region, providing an essential space for the exchange of knowledge and progress in Latin American psychological research. |
The main mission of the Biblioteca virtual em Saúde is to facilitate access to information and scientific evidence in the field of health for users in the health sectors. Its focus is to contribute to the reduction of the gap that often exists between scientific knowledge and its application in practice in Latin American and Caribbean countries. Its work translates into a constant effort to provide resources that support and improve decision making in the health field in the region. |
LILACS, which stands for Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, is the main index and repository of scientific and technical production in the field of Health Sciences published in Latin America and the Caribbean (LACyC). Its collection covers documents published since 1982, including theses, books, book chapters, congress or conference proceedings, technical-scientific reports, as well as journal articles, among other resources. It complements renowned international indexes such as MEDLINE and Web of Science. |
LatinREV is a cooperative network formed by journals and associations of academic journals in the fields of social sciences and humanities, with origin in FLACSO Argentina. As of 2017, the network is dedicated to organizing conferences with the purpose of addressing, debating and reflecting on issues related to the activities and challenges faced by academic and scientific journals in Argentina and Latin America. |
GALE is a collection of Hispanic magazines offering full text. This collection covers a wide range of topics including business, health, technology, culture, current affairs and various other subjects. These magazines provide a valuable resource for those seeking information in Spanish on a variety of topics. |
Latindex is a network made up of 24 institutions that work together to compile and disseminate information on scientific journals produced in the region, including those that focus on Ibero-American studies at the global level. Its platform allows registration and consultation free of charge. |
MIAR is an information matrix that compiles data from more than 100 sources, including journal repertoires and international indexing and abstracting databases (covering citations, multidisciplinary and specialized). Its main objective is to provide valuable information for the identification of scientific journals and the analysis of their scope and dissemination, making it an essential tool for researchers and academics in search of quality resources. |
ALICIA is a centralized computing platform, which houses a wide variety of digital information generated as a result of the production of science, technology and innovation. This includes books, publications, specialized journal articles, technical-scientific papers, computer programs, processed data, monitoring statistics, academic theses and other similar resources. |
BASE (acronym for Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) is a multidisciplinary search engine widely used to locate texts in academic resources across various online platforms. |
OASPA is a diverse community committed to open scholarship. Its membership includes book and journal publishers, scholars and practitioners from diverse geographies and disciplines, as well as infrastructure and other related services. It stands out as a trusted convener in open access and a proven venue for productive collaboration. |
EuroPub is a scholarly database that provides access to a wide range of peer-reviewed scientific publications. It covers diverse disciplines, including social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, technology and medicine. EuroPub facilitates the visibility and dissemination of scientific knowledge globally, supporting researchers, academics and institutions in open access to information. |
DARDO is a digital platform dedicated to the dissemination and visibility of scientific journals, facilitating open access to academic publications from various disciplines. It provides tools for the editorial management and evaluation of journals, promoting quality standards and fostering collaboration between publishers, researchers and academic institutions. |
ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources) is a directory that brings together open access scholarly resources such as journals, conferences, repositories and monographs. Developed by the ISSN International Centre, ROAD provides key information on the visibility, quality and accessibility of publications, supporting the dissemination of scientific knowledge globally. |
CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas) is a tool that evaluates and classifies scientific journals in the field of Social and Human Sciences. Its objective is to offer a reference system to measure the quality and impact of publications, facilitating researchers and institutions the identification of relevant and prestigious journals within their disciplines. |
OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is a European infrastructure that promotes open access to scientific research results. It provides a platform for searching publicly funded publications, data, projects and software, fostering transparency, academic collaboration and the dissemination of scientific knowledge globally. |
LA Referencia is a Latin American network of open access repositories that articulates and disseminates the scientific production generated in higher education and research institutions in the region. It facilitates access to academic publications, theses, articles and other resources, promoting the global visibility of knowledge produced in Latin America. |
CataloguePlus (Universidad de Ámsterdam) is a scholarly search tool that provides integrated access to a wide range of bibliographic resources, including books, articles, scientific journals, theses and databases. It makes it easy for students, researchers and academics to locate relevant scientific information through a unified platform. |
REBIUN (Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias Españolas) is a network that integrates the libraries of Spanish universities and research centers, providing access to bibliographic resources such as books, articles, theses and scientific journals. Through its collective catalog, it facilitates the search and location of academic information, promoting open access and interlibrary collaboration. |
FAMA is the unified catalog of the University of Seville Library, which offers access to a wide variety of academic resources, including books, scientific journals, theses and articles. It allows students, researchers and teachers to locate scientific information efficiently, promoting open access and knowledge sharing. |
EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek) is an electronic library of scientific journals that facilitates access to both open access and subscribed scholarly publications in various disciplines. Developed by the University of Regensburg, it enables researchers and students to quickly locate articles and journals, promoting the dissemination of scientific knowledge. |
HOLLIS is Harvard University's academic catalog, which offers access to a vast collection of bibliographic resources, including books, scientific journals, theses, articles and digital materials. Through this platform, students, researchers and scholars can explore and obtain scientific information from multiple disciplines, fostering research and learning. |
STANDFORD LIBRARIES is Stanford University's library system, which provides access to a wide range of scholarly resources, including books, journals, articles, theses and digital collections. Through its SearchWorks platform, it facilitates the search and consultation of scientific information, supporting research and scholarly development in a variety of disciplines. |
SWISSCOVERY is Switzerland's national bibliographic search system, managed by the Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP). It provides access to an extensive collection of scholarly resources, including books, scientific journals, articles and theses, enabling students, researchers and academics to locate scientific information from university and specialized libraries throughout the country. |
LIBRIS is the national catalog of academic and research libraries in Sweden, administered by the National Library of Sweden. It offers access to a wide variety of bibliographic resources, including books, scientific journals, articles and theses, making it easy for researchers, students and academics to search and consult scientific information nationally and internationally. |
KATHOLISCH BISTUM MAINZ is the bibliographic catalog of the Catholic Diocese of Mainz, which provides access to a variety of scholarly and theological resources, such as books, articles, scientific journals and historical documents. It serves researchers, students and the public interested in religious and humanistic studies, facilitating the search and consultation of specialized information. |