Resilience and parenting perception as predictors of positive mental health in Mexican adolescents
adolescents, percepction of parenting, positive mental health, resilienceAbstract
Background: During adolescence positive mental health is indispensable for optimal development. Objective: Positive mental health in adolescents was predicted from the perception of parenting and resilience. Methods: 426 students from Toluca, State of Mexico between 14 and 18 years of age (M = 15.6 years; SD = 1.14), 44% male and 56% female, were evaluated with the Perception of Parenting Scale, the Resilience Questionnaire and the Positive Mental Health Scale. Results: Through stepwise multiple linear regression, it was found that the criterion variable is predicted to a greater extent by the internal protective factors of resilience and to a lesser extent by the father’s and mother’s interest in the child’s activities. This model combining both constructs has an explained variance of 51.6%, which is considered satisfactory explanatory power. Conclusions: The influence of internal protective factors of resilience on adolescents’ problemsolving and actualization skills, self-control and autonomy is emphasized.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sandra Luz Peña Rios, Hans Oudhof Van Barneveld, Norma Ivonne González-Arratia López-Fuentes, Brenda Rodríguez Aguilar

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