Characteristics of the aggressors toward couple


  • Magaly Nóblega Mayorga Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Perú.


Aggressors, Violence Against Women


Violence against women is a public health problem that has been widely discussed in the literature. The studies focusing on the aggressor are limited for the difficulties of access to the population. This article seeks to make an approach to the demographic, of alcohol consumption and psychological characteristics that distinguish to the aggressors, so, we analyze the results of two research carried out in a settlement Villa El Salvador. The results show that neither the demographic variables nor the consumption of alcohol by the aggressors are associated with physical and emotional violence against women although alcohol consumption may be considered a trigger for aggression toward women; the jealousy and emotional instability perceived by women in their couple are risk factors for emotional violence while assertiveness perceived by couple is a protective factor of emotional violence. In the discussion covers the insufficiency of these variables to explain the reasons for the violence against women, therefore it is necessary to resort to elements of the sociocultural context to get a better comprehension of the aggression of man against woman.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Characteristics of the aggressors toward couple. (2012). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 18(1), 59-68.

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