Psychometric Properties of a Job Satisfaction Scale in a Transnational Company
Generic Job Satisfaction Scale, psychometric properties, validity, reliability, normsAbstract
Background: The study of job satisfaction is currently approached from an integrative perspective, incorporating various classical and contemporary theories. In Peru, the post-pandemic period has brought about new labour needs, which highlight the importance of having reliable and valid measurement instruments to assess job satisfaction. The Generic Job Satisfaction Scale has demonstrated these quality characteristics. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the Generic Job Satisfaction Scale created by MacDonald and MacIntyre in 1997 and adapted by Salessi and Omar in 2016 for use in a company in Lima. Method: The study employed a quantitative approach with a descriptive, non-experimental, and instrumental design, with a prospective and cross-sectional methodology, and psychometric analysis. The sampling technique employed was non-probabilistic with a total of 300 employees participating in the study. Results: Content validity evidence was obtained through representativeness, and Exploratory Factor Analysis identified a single factor that explained most of the variability (54.57%) of the items with factorial loads between .54 and .94. The model was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, and optimal results were obtained in the re-specified model (CMIN/DF = 2.24; GFI = .98; RMSEA = .64; CFI = .98; TLI / NNFI = .97; SRMR = .03). Reliability indices were high (a = .86; w = .86), identifying evidence of convergent validity with Engagement, with a positive and moderate correlation (p < .01, rho = .498; CR = .88; AVE = .52). Conclusions: Adequate evidence of psychometric properties was found, and general normative data were established for the study sample.
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