Modeling motivational factors related to academic satisfaction: a multilevel study




academic satisfaction, autonomous motivation, perceived locus of causality, multilevel analysis


Background: Motivational factors constitute fundamental aspects of achieving well-being and experiences associated with the development of academic activities. However, studies on academic satisfaction have focused on the individual dimension, excluding the influence of the teaching level. Objective: the study aims to estimate a hypothetical multilevel model that explains academic satisfaction from motivational factors of teachers and students. Method: the sample is structured hierarchically, considering 745 university students nested within 32 teachers. Descriptive statistics and multilevel path analysis are used to analyze the data. Results: the results show that students’ motivational factors mainly explain the variation in academic satisfaction. However, the teacher level also has a significant effect from the students’ perception of pressure. This process weakens autonomous motivation for teaching and teaching self-efficacy, affecting the quality of the teaching-learning processes. Conclusion: it is concluded that the configuration of academic satisfaction involves the deployment of motivational resources of both teachers and students, which, through their interaction, contribute to the development of well-being experiences in the classroom.


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Author Biography

  • Jorge Vergara-Morales, Universidad de Las Américas

    Doctor en Psicología y académico de la Escuela de Psicología, Universidad de Las Américas, sede Concepción, Chile. Su interés en la investigación es la Psicología Educativa.


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Modeling motivational factors related to academic satisfaction: a multilevel study. (2024). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 30(1), e811.

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