Perception of threat as a mediator of the relationship between stereotypes and prejudice towards Venezuelan migrants in Peru




Venezuelan migration, stereotypes, prejudice, threat perception


Objectives: The present study aims to explore the relationship between stereotypes (morality, warmth, and competence) and prejudice (subtle and blatant) towards Venezuelan immigrants in Peru. In addition, the role of threat perception as a mediator in the relationship between stereotypes and prejudice towards this social group is analyzed. Method: A correlational research design was conducted, using the Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scale, the National Stereotypes Scale, and the Out-Group Threat Perception Scale. The sample consisted of 115 participants of Peruvian nationality between 18 and 60 years old (M = 29.6; SD = 11.77). Results: The results confirm the inverse relationship between positive representation and ambivalent prejudice. In other words, when Venezuelans are represented as more competent, warm and moral, there are fewer expressions of subtle and blatant prejudice towards this social group. The regression coefficient of the relationships between stereotypes and prejudice tends to decrease when perceived threat is incorporated as a mediating variable in the partial mediation model. Conclusions: The relationships between the studied variables are confirmed. Furthermore, their importance for the implementation of interventions that promote intergroup contact, social inclusion, and questioning of social agents that reinforce a threatening representation of the Latin American immigrant is discussed.

Authorship contribution
MGR, AEP: both authors participated in the entire research process.


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How to Cite

Perception of threat as a mediator of the relationship between stereotypes and prejudice towards Venezuelan migrants in Peru. (2021). LIBERABIT. Revista Peruana De Psicología, 27(1), e451.

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